Infertilidad Masculina
When should I consult a doctor in case of male infertility?
It’s recommended for a man to be tested if she cannot get pregnant after having unprotected sex for 1 year or if she’s over 35 years old and has not become pregnant after 6 months of trying.
Sperm alterations
First a spermatiobioscopy must be ordered, through which we can analyze several parameters of the seminal fluid and spermatozoids. We have experts in andrology capable analize number and shape of sperm guided by the most current WHO standards.
If sample’s result isn’t ideal your doctor will guide you to check other tests such as:
- Blood test.
- Size of the testicles.
- Osbstruction of male reproductive system ducts test.

Which are my options If I decide whether to take the treatment or not?
Couples who decide to stop or chose not to be treated have other options. Such as using a sperm bank (called sperm “donor”).
We can guide you and help you decide which is the best option for you.
Varicocele is a dilatation of the veins that drain blood from testicles, called the pampiniform plexus. In 87% of cases it affects the left side. 7% is bilateral. 3% it only affects the right side.
Varicocele in some situations can impair male fertility through multiple mechanisms:
- It increases the temperature in the testes and epididymides. Testicles are outside the abdominal cavity to have 2 to 3 degrees less. An increase in temperature can be critical and very harmful for the production and maturation of spermatozoids.
- It decreases the production of testosterone in testes.
- It produces germ cell injury.
- It increases oxidative stress and produces an increase in DNA fragmentation (genetic load) of the spermatozoids.
Varicocele can cause a sensation of heaviness or pain in the testicles or groin area. Pain can be eliminated through surgery.
Other factors
Overweight affects male reproductive functions. There are multiple mechanisms through which fertility is affected. The most important of them are the increase in scrotal temperature and nocturnal apnea.
An alteration of seminogram parameters and lower testosterone levels have been evidenced. These findings appear to be reversible through weighloss.
Human infertility and reproduction, clinical aspects. 4th edition. Remohi; Bellver; Ballesteros; Pellicer.
Heat affects male fertility.
Heat has a negative effect on male fertility, inhibiting sperm capacity.
Even daily activities such as sitting for a long time in the office, can increase the genital temperature causing low quality sperm production, which leads to infertility.
Scientific studies assure that exposing testicles to temperatures avobe 43°C (conversion a grados farenheid) for 30 minutes provokes germ cells death and causes a decrease of spermatozoids when he ejaculatates.
To prevent infertility by high temperatures, it is advisable to wear loose underwear and to perform less frequent activities that contributes to testicles being attached to the body, and reduce the use of electronic devices such as smartphones that may produce heat.
Tobacco can cause damage to the process of male sex cell formation. Presenting a dose-dependent reduction of seminal volume in fertile male smokers, decrease in sperm concentration and sperm motility and teratozoospermia (increase of abnormal spermatozoids). Sperm motility is the most altered parameter, being proportional to the amount of tobacco consumed.
This would happen with a consumption above of 10 cigarettes a day. A reduction of 20 to 30% of ejaculate volume, sperm count and sperm motility is observed on heavy-smokers.
Couples in which the man smokes more than 15 cigarettes a day pregnancy will take longer to happen.