Absent or irregular menstrual periods, as the name implies, are lack off periods or periods that occur less than 6 to 8 times a year. If a woman presents absent of her period, maybe it’s because she’s pregnant, or in some cases, she has a medical condition that affects her endocrine or reproductive system.
Principal causes:
- Polycystic ovary syndrome – women with this condition, have ovaries that make too much male hormone.
- Can disrupt their menstrual periods and cause excess of facial hair, acne, and other problems linked to PCO, which is the most common cause of absent or irregular menstrual periods.
- Being too underweight.
- Excessive
- Too much prolactin – Prolactin is a hormone produced in the “pituitary gland,” which is a small gland located at the brain base.
- Early menopause – Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when she naturally stops having menstrual periods. Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. In some cases, menopause comes before the age of 40. Early menopause happens when the ovaries stop functioning earlier than normal.
- Some drugs, including birth control pills.
When should I see a doctor?
- When you are over 15 and have not had a menstrual period yet.
- When you already have your regular menstrual cycle, but you have not had a period 3 months or more.
- When your periods are longer than 45 days.
Other symptoms that may occur or aspect you should consider.
- Consider a pregnancy.
- Find out If you have family members with irregular periods.
- bad acne problems or excessive hair on chest or face.
- Gained weight and having trouble losing it.
- Have hot flashes, which feel like a wave of heat that starts in the chest and face and then moves through your body.
- Have night sweats, which are hot flashes that happen when you sleep.
- Have new headaches or vision problems.
- Notice milky fluid coming out of your breasts.
- Being under a lot of stress.
- Have recently lost weight.
- dramatically increase their exercise routine.
- Have changed the amount or the types of food they eat.
- Taking medicines, herbs, or vitamins.
Which tests I should have?
With your doctors help, you will decide which tests you should have based on your age, other symptoms, and individual situation.
- Pregnancy test – Pregnancy is the most common cause of missed periods. Is important to know if you are pregnant before doing other tests.
- Blood tests – These measure hormone levels that influence the reproductive system.
- MRI – This test uses electromagnetism to make detailed pictures of the body. It can show if there is a problem in the part of the brain that controls the body’s hormones.
- Pelvic Ultrasound – This test uses sound waves to create an image of your uterus, ovaries, tubes, cervix, and vagina. The image can show if there are any changes in these organs.
Treatment for missed or irregular menstrual periods.
That depends on what is causing your missed periods, and whether you want to become pregnant.
Possible treatments:
- Birth control pills for regular periods.
- Losing weight if you are overweight.
- Drugs to help you get pregnant.
- Changing your feeding habits and exercise, such as:
Increase calories.
- Gain weight if it´s under a healthy weigh.
- Reducing stress.
- Drugs to reduce prolactin levels if needed.
Is possible to avoid missed and irregular menstrual periods?
You can reduce the probabilities if you eat properly and have healthy weight. Being very underweight or overweight could represent a problem.